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Where will the Russia/Ukraine war end?

Today marks the one year anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The year long invasion has involved relentless bloodshed as the Ukrainians battle hard with the help of Nato's weaponry to expel the Russians from their land.

It has been a year that surprised many as the Russians were expected to easily take over the majority of Ukrainian land. But with Ukrainian will power and the massive supply of advanced weapons from Nato countries, they have so far been able to hold their own. The fight has come at a huge cost to both sides with some reports suggesting that both sides have lost in excess of 100,000 of their people in the bloodshed and both with countless others wounded. Of course the fog of war has led to confusion over the exact numbers and unfortunately we may never know, this side of heaven, just how much pain has been inflicted. The images of those from Ukrainian and Russian cemeteries of row after row after row of newly marked graves with their countries flags marking their plots and of the mourners weeping over their dead families and friends should prompt us all to pray for peace.

As the war rages on, it looks increasingly likely that it may well spread into neighbouring countries. It has been a year in which Nato allies have repeatedly crossed forewarned red lines set by Russia. Russia repeatedly warned of severe consequences for anyone who crosses them lines. Now we are at a point where many are left wondering and waiting in anticipation for what Russia may do next. Many are left wondering what exactly is Nato's end goal in regards to Ukraine. With reports of US diplomats purposely setting out to avoid any talks of peace, it looks as though Nato wish to progress to a direct full blown confrontation with Russia. The consequences of such an action will lead to the deaths of countless millions around the world.

This past year has seen Poland expand its army, prepare its bomb shelters and increase its assistance to Ukraine. Poland has been steadily preparing for the worst. It has also been a year in which Russians have threatened France, and the French have threatened Russia. Russia has also threatened the UK who have openly talked about preparing their army to fight Russia on the battlefield. Ireland has also been threatened on Russian television in which they simulated an underwater nuclear bomb being detonated off the coast of Donegal. This came after Irish ministers foolishly threw away Irish neutrality without consulting the people of Ireland. On the first day of the Russian invasion, the Irish minister Stephen Donnelly foolishly stated that "Ireland is not neutral in this case". Ireland is in no position to get involved in such a conflict and at the very least will possibly give Russians a laugh at how the Irish ministers are trying to act the big shot. They would have done well to assist Ukrainian refugees and to call for peace as any good truly neutral country should do. Instead they chose to be hypocrites by condemning Russia's actions while at the same time failing to condemn the actions of America, England, France and other countries in their relentless bombings of Arab countries and other countries around the world. A fact which goes to show, their talk of peace for Ukraine are empty words.

As this whole war unfolds, it has many Catholics looking back to the interviews of a priest named Fr Malachy Martin. Fr Martin was a very controversial and fascinating character. He claimed to have personally read the famous third secret of Fatima. In his various interviews he said he could never directly reveal the third secret due to an oath of secrecy, but he could give hints and he could speak of what the situation in the world would be like at the time of its fulfilment.

In one interview he spoke about how everything "would begin in Russia, particularly the Ukraine region". One person who phoned in to a radio station who hosted one of his interviews also claimed to have information about the contents of the third secret of Fatima. The man claimed that it spoke of a third world war if man did not turn back to God.

Could it be that the third world war mentioned has now started in Ukraine where Fr Martin stated events would proceed from? It looks increasingly likely that it has. As countries continue to threaten each other with destruction and as diplomats increasingly abandon sensible and reasonable discussion, what is there left but to reach out to God to intervene in our world which has for too long tried to live without Him?


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