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The Solution to Ireland's Woes

Fr Carney's article explains the solution. Ireland is currently facing many major societal problems. The world is heading down a path void of common sense which is leading to increasing unrest all across the world. Given the situation, we should all consider Fr Carneys article below which discusses the very thing which is destined to save society. *** You can Buy Fr Carney's book here - Secret of the Holy Face: The Devotion Destined to Save Society | Irish Nuntii ***

Author - Fr. Lawrence Daniel Carney

The Archconfraternity of the Holy Face: Why Should One Join?

Is Reparation Destined to Save Society?

In the nineteenth century Blessed Pope Pius IX stated, “Reparation is destined to save society!” One addresses God by petition, thanksgiving, adoration and reparation. Reparation is to repair the relationship between God and man. King Josaphat was a skilled archer. His grandfather, King David noted that Josaphat didn’t just graze the armor he pierced through with his marksmanship. This was also true of his prayer to God, it pierced the heart of God. He was heard. In the Second book of Paralipomenon 20 is the story of how King Josaphat sent the singing men on the vanguard. They chanted the Psalms of King David, “Give glory to the Lord, for his mercy endureth forever,”[1] and the enemy who greatly outnumbered Josaphat and his men, “turned also against one another, and destroyed one another.”[2] The king made reparation for the blasphemy of the pagans by singing the glories of God.

Our Latin Church used to do this[3] when the bishops and his priest canons assembled in the Cathedral daily to chant the Mass and the Divine Office in Latin. This was how the Church made reparation, will it be so in the future? Yes, if bishops and priests once again initiate the chapters of canons in each diocese. The enemies of man today will turn against each other because the future battle, “…is not yours, but God’s.”[4] Reparation is destined to save society.

What are the Benefits of Enrollment?

The Archconfraternity of the Holy Face was approved by Pope Leo XIII in 1885. It’s chief objective is to repair the damage made by blasphemy and not keeping the Lord’s day. Devotion makes us more tender to the Holy Face of Jesus. Just as blasphemers curse God to his face, repairers send prayers like golden arrows to wound the heart of the Father so that a torrent of graces will flow. Enrollment allows one to enjoy its indulgences, but more importantly the graces of being on the same team with all the members past and present including, St. Therese of the Child Jesus of the Holy Face. It helps us to do something in the midst of the world crisis by calling upon God to fight this war for us. It is a blueprint of how to get out from under future world tyranny. Lastly it connects us with other Catholics opposing the isolation techniques of the enemy.

Can we be Like St. Veronica Breaking through the Mob?

St. Veronica wore head veil. She saw Jesus carry His cross and broke through the mob to console his face and took the veil off her head to wipe It. [5] The soldiers were stunned at such bravery that they stopped and did not know what to do. After this brief encounter, St. Veronica went home and put the veil on her table and began to weep. She had seen the Holy Face of Jesus and it moved her deeply. Someone turned the veil and saw the Face placed on it when Jesus wiped his Face. Veronica could not contain her joy knowing that her Redeemer left her a souvenir as a remembrance to that wonderful encounter.

Today the enemies of God attack the freedoms of mankind. They are waiting for the day to take away our Mass. They are nothing but agents moved by the demons. The venomous serpents wait for the day they can wipe the Mass off the face of the earth as they wished to wipe the Face of Jesus off the earth. But we can break through this “mob” of agents and vipers by consoling the Face of Jesus in the devotions to the Holy Face found in the Manual of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face of Jesus. Jesus told Sr. Marie de Saint-Pierre, “…we render Him the same service as did the pious Veronica…”[6] when we pray the prayers in this devotion!

Why the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart cannot be Separated

The Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart must be linked because, “…these two hearts were continually being wounded by blasphemy.”[7] St. Louis de Montfort in True Devotion speaks about the best, easiest and surest way of arriving to Jesus is through the Blessed Virgin Mary, by going to Jesus through Mary. The French School uses this motif in her pious teaching. It is chronological because it was through Mary that we received Jesus and it will be through Mary that we return to Jesus.

This is the way of humility. “In humility, let each esteem others better than themselves.”[8] One does this truthfully when he considers his hidden faults and the other hidden virtues known to God alone. It is important to find others to pray the Rosary and the prayers of the Holy Face once a month in hopes of starting a Confraternity of the Holy Face. There is a certain collaboration of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart that bears a beautiful fruit. The two hearts must be linked.

What is the Importance of Reparation, Reverence and Reversion?

If one does not get the first three Commandments right, how can one expect to get the last seven Commandments right? The first tablet of the Law deals with right relationship with God. If we blaspheme, not honor the Lords day, and commit idolatry, how can we expect to render to our neighbor his due? The second tablet of the Law deals with right relationship with God. “If any man say, I love God, and hateth his brother; he is a liar.”[9]

One must give reparation for the sins against God. Then he must strive to be more reverent. One example is by attending the Latin Mass or making efforts to encourage the bishop and priests in his area to bring it there. Lastly, one must strive to intercede for reversion. This means praying fallen-away Catholics back into the Church. The Church was erected for two purposes, to render true adoration to God and to save souls. The devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus is an excellent outline to achieve these eternal goals.

Conclusion: How will the Triumph of the Church and the Immaculate Heart Come?

Our Lady of Fatima told us to pray the Rosary for poor sinners who have no one to pray for them. Jesus told Sister Marie de Saint-Pierre to pray the Chaplet of the Holy Face for the Triumph of the Catholic Church. Mankind needs to get on her knees and pray as God wishes us to pray through His Catholic Church in order to turn the tide of the evil plans of the darkness. Do two things today to make this happen:

[1] 2 Paralipomenon xx, 21.

[2] Ibid., xx, 23.

[3] With very few exceptions like the Cathedral Canons in Santiago, it is a sad and foregone past when the bishops and priests used to chant the divine office in choir daily. This was an extension of the prayers of the Mass throughout the day.

[4] Ibid., xx, 15.

[5] Veronica, An Historical Note, London: Thomas Richardson and Son, 1870, p. 7. Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich received a vision of Veronica holding an extra veil on her left arm.

[6] Scallan, Dorothy, The Gold Arrow: Revelation of Sr. Mary of St. Peter, TAN Books, Rockford, Ill., 1990, p. 153.

[7] Ibid., p. 115.

[8] Philip. ii, 3.

[9] I St. John iv, 20.

If you would like to know more about The Holy Face of Jesus, you can buy Fr. Lawrence Daniel Carney's book at our online bookstore here - Secret of the Holy Face: The Devotion Destined to Save Society | Irish Nuntii


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