As Catholics around Ireland attended mass on St Patrick's day, many did so with heavy hearts. They were grieved knowing that their beloved St Patrick was yet again facing a day of mockery from apostates in Ireland and around the world. It was set to be a day in which God's enemies would use the good name of St Patrick to condone the very things that St Patrick preached against.
No doubt many of those who attended mass would have had their spirits lifted by the priests who follow St Patricks example. In one such case, parishioners in St Patrick's Church in Meath were reminded by their parish priest of the need to fulfill their Baptismal promises, take courage from St Patrick and to go out and defend their faith in Jesus Christ.
Many Catholics around the country did just that. As God's enemies spent the day mocking St Patrick in the St Patricks Festival parade in Dublin and in their ministerial speeches, Catholics around Ireland prayed and sacrificed in private and in public in reparation for the disrespect shown towards God and His Saint Patrick by their fellow countrymen.
In what has now become a yearly insult to Irish people, both followers of Jesus and the apostate Irish alike, a large contingent of TDs jetted off around the world to spread their lies about St Patrick in an attempt to further their worldly interests. In their bid to seek monetary gain, they issued numerous speeches at various events. Their speeches were hard to read and even harder to watch. Without mentioning their meaningless words here, which can be read on gov .ie and other online news outlets, it suffices to say their speeches, although littered with the word saint, have been full of ignorance, hypocrisy, lies and contempt for St Patrick and Jesus Christ whom he followed.
It raises the question, how many times have Irish people uttered the word Saint in the last few days? Judging by the speeches from Irish politicians, it seems they have uttered the word saint quite a lot. But yet the meaning of the word seems to be lost on them. A saint is someone who loves God and proves their love by obeying His Commandments (John 14:25 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them; he it is that loveth me. And he that loveth me, shall be loved of my Father: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him). If only they would read St Patrick's writings or better yet, the Bible which St Patrick loved, they might realise the hypocrisy of their ways.
Despite the Irish governments relentless assaults on St Patrick and Jesus Christ whom St Patrick preached, Faith in Ireland is far from dead. In response to the attack on St Patrick's good name, lay Catholics around Ireland held numerous rosary rallies and processions. In an event organised by an Irish Mens rosary group, Mass was held at Slemish Mountain in County Antrim, the place where St Patrick herded sheep during his captivity.

In Dublin, a group of lay Catholics marched down O Connell street and around Dublin flying Various Catholic banners. As they made their way through the busy streets they played latin hymns and prayed over a loud speaker atop a van leading the way, in an effort to make reparation and to remind Dublin about the true message of St Patrick.

A video of the Dublin procession, filmed as Salve Regina echoed along the street, can be seen here -
There was also another rosary rally in nearby Phoenix Park. A number of Catholics gathered at the Papal Cross to make reparation and to pray for the conversion of Ireland back to God, the One True God whom Saint Patrick loved.
Saint Patrick, Pray for us.