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How the Irish distorted Halloween

The Púca festival will return this weekend to Trim and Athboy. It is yet another example of Ireland's apostasy from the One True Faith. The word púca can be found in various forms throughout Celtic and Germanic cultures of Northwest Europe. In old Scandinavian languages the word púki translates or refers to mischievous demon or the Devil. In Norwegian and Danish cultures, traces of the word are said to refer to the devil or evil spirit or mischievous person. If so, then it would be legitimate to say that the Púca festival is in actual fact a Devil festival. Regardless of the festival organisers choice of words, the logo alone suggests as much as can be seen from the logo of a skull with two horns.

Despite the name and the logo, they openly state that they are promoting the festival of Samhain which is a pagan festival. God is clear on such things in Psalm 95:5 "For all the gods of the Gentiles are demons".

Like all satanic practices, the festival will have an opening ceremony and a closing ceremony. These ceremonies will be conducted by people who openly practice shamanism which is deeply linked to Satanism.

The festival website also wrongly claims that the event is a celebration of Halloween. In actual fact, it is a mockery of Halloween. The organisers, like many Irish people today, wrongly confuse the word Halloween with the feast of Samhain. Samhain is a pagan feast. Halloween is a Catholic feast. Samhain and Halloween are polar opposites. So for all the talk and claims by the festival organisers of Ireland being the home and origin of Halloween, they have actually distorted the true meaning of Halloween.

As one Catholic Church facebook page recently posted - "Halloween is a Catholic feast . The name itself comes from All Hallow’s Eve – that is, the Vigil of All Saints’ Day on Nov 1. Pope Gregory III (731–741) transferred the Feast of All Saints from its former day of May 13th to November 1st to coincide with the foundation of a new chapel in St. Peter's Basilica which he dedicated to all the saints in heaven. Halloween is on October 31st because All Saints Day is November 1st. All Souls Day is on November 2nd. These three days taken together are the "Days of the Dead," a triduum of feasts also called Allhallowtide, Hallowtide, or Hallowmas (Hallow meaning saint or holy and mas meaning Mass).

Halloween is, therefore, the first day of Allhallowtide, the time of year when the living (the Church Militant) honor all the dead in Christ: the saints in heaven (the Church Triumphant) as well as all the holy souls detained in purgatory on their way to heaven (the Church Suffering). It is a beautiful celebration of the Communion of Saints!

Pope Gregory IV (827–844) extended the Feast of All Saints—which was previously a local feast in Rome—to the universal Church. That is why the eve of All Saints Day (Halloween) came to be celebrated by Catholics around the world in their own cultural ways.

It was customary in historic Catholic Europe to have evening vigils with pious celebrations on the day before a major feast or solemnity; the rhythms of people’s lives and culture moved with the liturgical calendar. That’s why a vigil was kept the evening before All Saints Day—and why Halloween exists at all.

Even today, Catholics begin celebrating major feasts the evening before the big day. Christmas has Christmas Eve. All Hallows Day has All Hallows Eve. If you pray the Divine Office, you will see that the prayers for a big holy day begin the evening before, as though the feast had already arrived."

Hallow means Holy, so how did so many come to confuse the word Halloween with the glorification of evil?

Irish people need to reclaim the true meaning of Halloween, that being the true Catholic feast which Glorifies God rather than Satan. St Patrick came to lead us away from foolish pagan practices such as Samhain and the Púca festival. To condone or take part in such things is to attempt to trample upon St Patrick and all the Irish Saints.

In response to the Púca festival's attack on God, a number locals from Trim and a few Catholic groups will hold a rosary rally in opposition. One such group, the Irish Society for Christian Civilisation, has published the below information about the rosary rally

October 28th in Trim, Co. Meath where we will be asking St. Patrick and all the saints to counteract the evil influence of the Puca Festival. The Rosary Rally will be outside the courthouse in Trim.

Paganism has returned to Ireland and the Puca Festival is just one aspect of this return, though a very serious one. The Puca festival passes off the horrendous, ugly and Satanic as interesting, fun and child friendly.

The Rosary Rally will be asking St. Patrick and all the saints to counteract this pagan festival. We will be asking the angels to come down from Heaven and expel the demons that have been attracted by this festival.

Finally, we will ask Our Lady that Her Immaculate Heart triumph in Ireland and around the world as soon as possible.

Where: Outside the Courthouse in Trim, Co. Meath

When: Saturday, October 28th at 3pm

An image of Poland where people respectfully honour the dead by lighting candles by the graves of their loved ones during All Hallows Eve -

1 comentario

31 oct 2023

"Pope Gregory III (731–741) transferred the Feast of All Saints from its former day of May 13th to November 1st" I think it would be proper to admit the Church arranged their own festivals around European pagan festivals. I'm guessing it was to draw pagans to the Catholic faith. Also the timing of both of these festivals Hallowe'en and Samhain is good timing given the time of the year, growth in nature is dying out and the time makes one think of death more naturally, according to God given natural law.

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