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High Court Case Challenges the Plantation of Columb Barracks, Mullingar, Co Westmeath.

Three Irish natives have brought forth a case to the High Court to seek for a cessation in immigrants dwelling at the Columb Barracks in Mullingar. They also hope to repatriate the immigrants who are already illegally residing there and furthermore encourage other communities around Ireland to take similar action in an attempt to stop the mass immigration of largely young, single, men into Ireland.

The team plan to do this by simply showing beyond any reasonable doubt that the proposed plantation of our land and the genocide of our people is a breach of various national and international laws and treaties as well as our own Constitution. The judge will have to decide whether or not our God given natural rights which are protected in said laws and treaties, are worth the paper they are written on or if the power of corruption and greed shall be granted free reign to prevail.

The Department of Integration reported at the beginning of this month (November 2023) that there were currently 140 people living in tented accommodation at the Collumb Barracks, with a mix of “Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection and International Protection Applicants''. 62 rapid-build, pod-style units are also in the process of being constructed, and when complete, at least 250 immigrants are expected to be living on the grounds of the Columb Barracks. These are solely “official numbers”, from “elected officials” who rarely appear to offer any transparency or truth when confronted about their active involvement in illegal immigration and this is just one of multiple reasons why the immigration at the Columb Barracks and similar facilities nationwide warrants an immediate halt and independent investigation.

Considering the public have been locked out of the majority of the site as well as the Units within the historical buildings on the grounds of the former military base in Mullingar, it begs the question if parts of these protected structures which hold cultural value and are worthy of preservation, have already been occupied by illegal immigrants. The Columb Barracks dates back to 1814 and there are a collection of structures within its complex that constitute an important element of architectural heritage which are of considerable importance to County Westmeath.

The defendants, which include paid public servants from several departments of the Irish Government including Roderick O’Gorman, Stephen Donnelly, Simon Harris, Darragh O’Brien, Eamonn Ryan, Helen McEntee, Chief Superintendent of Mullingar Garda Station and the Attorney General are for the most part, failing to engage. The Judge acknowledged this at one of the more recent hearings when not one of the defendants turned up. He admitted it was unusual for them to not so much as appoint members of their legal representation when called to the court.

Nevertheless, John McGhee, Margaret Maguire and Mellissa Kelly have diligently presented the Courts with detailed and objective submissions, as to why the activities within the Columb Barracks, and other plantation sites around the country, are completely unlawful and ought to be ceased immediately.

The plaintiffs issued a summons to the defendants which included numerous disclosure orders, some of which are listed below.

  • An order of mandamus for disclosure of the proportionality studies and data justifying the decision to allow mass unvetted migration, and their safety data and cost benefit analysis studies particularly regarding health, safety and social and cultural cohesion of the indigenous communities.

  • An order of all crimes both reported and prosecuted and the ratio of native citizens to non native citizens and Garda protocol on migrant crime, all internal memos and communications regarding reporting protocol and training on the matter.

  • An order of disclosure for all efforts made to uphold the Dublin III regulations, including but not limited to efforts to vet migrants for criminal records, efforts to ascertain whether this is their first “safe country”, efforts to repatriate invalid applicants and efforts to deport dangerous criminals and those whose asylum claims are rejected.

  • An order of disclosure for all conflict of interest issues that might exist for any of the above named living persons or members of the respective government departments or organisations with regard to funding from companies involved in housing, feeding transporting, legally representing or otherwise facilitating these migrants and records relating to lobby groups that may have a stake in the people trafficking industry.

The plaintiffs told Irish Nuntii that they are in urgent need of the various disclosure orders in order to complete their statement of claim and proceed with the case, and considering most of this information is already their right under various freedom of information and public participation legislation and has been requested without meaningful response which they say and believe is a deliberate attempt by the various defendants to renege on their national and international law obligations on this issue, is as such creating an unnecessary barrier to equal access to justice.

Within their pleadings they remind the Courts of their natural and inalienable rights to equal access to justice protected by Bunreacht na h’Éireann, The TFEU, The International Convention of Civil and Political Rights, the ECHR, and the International Convention of Human Rights. A significant amount of the pleadings are also supported by the principles of the Auras Convention which provides equal access to justice and gives citizens rights to prevent changes to their immediate environment. They state that "to deny us these reliefs would be contrary to national, EU and international law".

The litigants are also putting forward the case that Éire exercises her rights to the “opt out” clause on refugee resettlement and in all areas relating to freedom, security and justice policy, originally obtained under the treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, and retained as one of the conditions tacked on to the second Lisbon Treaty.

They also bring to the Courts attention international law which protects indigenous people from cultural annihilation under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 2007. As stated in its preamble, the world community recognises ‘the urgent need to respect and promote the inherent rights of indigenous peoples which derive from their political, economic and social structures, and from their cultures, spiritual traditions, histories and philosophies, especially their rights to their lands, territories and resources’.

The Court has also heard that there are already a large number of migrants as well as Native homeless people living in tents on the streets by this unsustainable influx of migrants and this will lead to an increase in disease, environmental damage and social problems which will create conditions that the plaintiffs believe constitute Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; of the indigenous population contrary to article 2, C, of the UN convention on genocide. They request that the court considers that there has been no public participation on this issue, and the majority of the public are not in favour of this due to the already evident issues that accompany unlawful open border policies in countries across Europe.

Before the Irish Defense Forces were given orders to evacuate the strategically situated army Barracks 11 years ago it was well known for its state of the art facilities including a brand new state of the art pistol range, ablutions, catering services, the “mess” bar, and comfortable accommodation. With this in mind, in their submission, the plaintiffs formally raised the national security issues that may spring from housing migrants in an Army Barracks, considering that these facilities should be secure, and un-vetted foreign individuals or interests from the Middle East or Africa or anywhere else except Ireland, should not be manning the gates, or having unlimited access to the facilities. They also highlight the concern that this has not occurred to those at the higher levels of our defense forces and that it is a very serious breach of their fiduciary duty to their soldiers and indeed to the people of Ireland. They argue that it would appear that no due diligence has been performed on the matter.

The complainants provide reasons why the mass immigration into Ireland has to be both immediately halted and reversed through investigations and deportations in order to protect the best interests of not just the Irish people, but also the thousands of immigrants in Ireland who are at the centre of a human trafficking operation. They submit that "the precautionary principle must be applied without further delay in this matter and all inward mass migration under the guise of asylum protection be immediately halted, all granted asylum claims be re investigated by an independent body and for deportation orders to be enforced without delay. Baseless claims being dragged through the courts to buy time should result in the criminal prosecution of the claimants and their council for attempting to defraud the public purse. All court records relating to same should be made easily accessible to the public”.

One of the plaintiffs, Mr. McGhee who has been vocal about the threat that open borders poses to the Irish people, told Irish Nuntii that he believes “Ireland is God's own country, it is a Christian nation founded on Christian principles and it would be unjust to allow a corrupt government usurp our Catholic way of life and traditions in favor of the infliction of lethal ideologies and false religions that accompany the importation of tens of thousands of immigrants from Islamic States, their ways are immiscible with Irish culture".

Proceedings are expected to continue this coming Monday the 20th of November where the 4th hearing will take place at the High Court, Dublin.

1 Comment

Nov 29, 2023

Janey mac

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