In a recent statement from the American College of Cardiology, those who smoke cannabis on a daily basis have a higher risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) compared to those who have never used the drug,
Daily cannabis consumers were 34% more likely to be diagnosed with CAD, compared to those who never use cannabis according to researchers. The warning symptoms of coronary heart disease include chest pain or shortness of breath, which is a result of a build-up of cholesterol on the artery walls.
Lead researcher Ishan Paranjpe said, "There seems to be a dose-response relationship in that more frequent cannabis use is associated with a higher risk of CAD”.
As of now, only preliminary results are available online. Paranjpe will present the complete findings of the study at the American College of Cardiology's annual meeting on March 5.
The study comes at a time when there are growing calls within Ireland for the legalisation of cannabis. One would hope that the study will give cause for a pause in that push for legalisation.
Late last year Gino Kenny, a People Before Profit TD, introduced a bill which aims to legalize adult-use cannabis for personal use.
The bill aims to modify the Misuse of Drug Act entered into effect in 1977 by allowing adults of at least 18 years of age to possess up to 7 grams of cannabis or 2.5 grams of cannabis resin (hashish).
TD Gino Kenny said - "The Bill is quite moderate. It amends existing legislation that dates back 42 years. Forty-two years is a very long time. I believe the existing legislation is out of date and out of time. We need a different narrative around drug reform”.
Like most recent Irish laws, despite TDs using terms such as making safe and keeping it rare, it could most likely lead to an increase in the use of the drug in Irish society. An increase which will not help the unwelcome aroma that is currently on offer around Dublin city. In recent weeks a number of people have commented online about the “stench” of weed all across the Capital, Dublin.
Legalisation usually leads to acceptance and normalisation. It will be yet another temptation and risk for poorly catechized Catholics in Ireland, of whom many do not even know that it is a mortal sin to get drunk or to get high. The greatest gift God has given us is our intellect, when we get wasted on drugs or alcohol we are basically taking God’s gift and chucking it in the bin. Hence the reason it is a grave sin.
Although the aspect of sin may not deter those who wish to legalise it, the recent study around the risk of heart disease connected with cannabis use might make them reconsider. Afterall, it is not the only thing causing increased heart disease these days!
St. John Chrysostom, Saint and Doctor of the Church, once said in a homily:
“Let there be no drunkenness; for wine is the work of God, but drunkenness is the work of the devil. Wine makes not drunkenness; but intemperance produces it. Do not accuse that which is the workmanship of God, but accuse the madness of a fellow mortal … For what is more wretched than drunkenness! The drunken man is a living corpse. Drunkenness is a demon self-chosen … ”
CCC - 2291 The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.