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5 Celtic Crosses to be erected in May 2023

In France, the association S.O.S Calvaires erect or restore one cross everyday. Every year,

we are going abroad to help a country for a specific reason. This year, S.O.S Calvaires is

coming to Ireland between the 5th and the 13th of May, to erect five celtic crosses (High

Cross) made of wood in our workshop, Here in France. We are putting the crosses in five

places which are very emblematic for the country, to help the country gain in hope

towards its difficulties. Here are the five reasons for the crosses :

- Despair

- religion war between Catholics and protestants

- vocation crisis

- youth crisis

- Sexual abuses within the Church.

Our answer towards these problems will be the one of the cross, which we will put on

the five following places :

- Moyne House, Abbeyknockmoy, on the place where the new and growing federation of

scouts of Europe camp (youth crisis) ;

- Kylemore Abbey, whose community is in a vocational desert, and don’t have any priest

(vocational crisis) ;

- Pilgrimage with the cross at top of Croagh Patrick, and the cross will be kept inside the

chapel (desesperance) ;

- Holy Cross Abbey, Newry, Northern Ireland, where the war is still going between

Catholics and Protestants (Religion war) ;

- Institute of Christ the King, Ardee, a newly established community,young and fervent (to

pray for sexual abuses in Church).

Our idea is to do just like we do here in France, to organize public blessings, and to

gather people around the cross, to pray for the country and to give hope for the

Irish people.

So everyone is welcome to our events during May, you will find more information on our

posters. (see below)

Please come and help us restore the crosses and your country during these days.

*** Please share, and please follow social media pages listed below or check back to our website to keep up to date with the exact times for each location which will be announced soon. ***

S.O.S Calvaires -

Irish News -


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