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The Practice during Septugesima
The joys of Christmastide seem to have fled far from us. The forty days of gladness brought us by the birth of our Emmanuel are gone. The...
The Mystery of Septugesima
THE season upon which we are now entering is expressive of several profound mysteries. But these mysteries belong not only to the three...
The History of Septuagesima
THE season of Septuagesima comprises the three weeks immediately preceding Lent. It forms one of the principal divisions of the...

St Dorothy, Virgin and Martyr
Prosper Guéranger - St Dorothy 6th February Today again, it is one of the most amiable of Christ’s brides that comes to console us by her...

Men's Rosary - 4th Feb @ 1PM
Sat 4th February 23 Warrenpoint, Junction of Newry road and Charlotte Street

While attacking St Brigid, they give St Patrick yet another kick too
On a week in which Catholics lamented the outrageous lies being directed at St Brigid, the Irish St Patricks Festival decided to get in...
Fire in the Head: Paganism in Irish Christianity
Trinity College Dublin The Thomistic Institute at Trinity College Dublin presents a lecture by Fr. Conor McDonough, O.P. of the Dominican...

Is it because Varadkar and Co are guilty?
For years now Ireland has been facing a relentless drive in a certain direction, a direction away from God. Most of society seems to be...
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