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Varadkar - Great news for Ireland
This week Leo Varadkar attended the UN General Assembly meeting in New York. During the event Varadkar used the occasion to speak on a...

Plea to Irish Bishops to stand up against radical leftist perversion
Anger is growing across Ireland in response to proposed changes to sex education in Irish schools. Government advisors claim to be...

Is Ceist guilty of promoting pride? Catholic school group refuses to condemn flying of pride flag
At Scoil Dara, a secondary school in Kilcock, Co Kildare, two flags can be seen on their flag poles which should not be flying alongside...

What Happened to Don’t Kill Granny? Euthanasia in Ireland, “Dying with Dignity Bill 2020”.
Article Dated 24/07/2023 Euthanasia in Ireland, “Dying with Dignity Bill 2020”. What Happened to Don’t Kill Granny? Gino Kenny, PBP...

90 Days Jail for abortion
A 19 year old woman in the USA was given a 90 day prison sentence for murdering her child. The woman, named Celeste Burgess, pleaded...

Our Freedom of Speech, Comes from God- Not the Government
Our Freedom of Speech, like all freedoms Comes from God- Not the Government. Choose Christ- Not Communism. Only a few short years after...

Irish Army anti-Catholic abuse
Recently media from around Europe reported on the findings of the Report of the "Independent Review Group on Dignity and Equality issues...

Hitler hated Jesus Christ
Today, the 12th of June, is the feast day of the 108 Blessed Polish Martyrs. The 108 Martyrs of World War II were Roman Catholics from...

Trinity Sunday - St Alphonsus Ligouiri
SERMON XXIX. TRINITY SUNDAY. - ON THE LOVE OF THE THREE DIVINE PERSONS FOR MAN. "Going, therefore teach ye all nations, baptizing them in...

Michael D Higgins, the conspiracy theorist
The President of Ireland attended this years Bord Bia Bloom in The Park event as he has done in previous years. On this occasion he used...

Sacred Heart Pilgrimage 2023
On Wednesday the 14th of June, the Sacred Heart Pilgrimage will set off on its 3rd annual three day hike. The pilgrimage, which...

Taylor Marshall to run for president - USA
Well known Catholic Youtuber Taylor Marshall has announced his plans to run for president of the United States of America. On his website...

New Catholic online bookstore -
A new Catholic online bookstore based in Ireland has been launched. The bookstore will only sell Catholic books, both new and second...

Will Ireland join NATO?
Since the foundation of the republic of Ireland, the Irish have been proud and at times glad of their nation's neutrality in...

Sat, July 1st - Rally for Life
Rally for Life 2023 will assemble at 2pm on Saturday 1st July at the Garden of Remembrance on Parnell Square in Dublin city centre. Come...

This week 5 Celtic Crosses will be erected across Ireland
In France, the association S.O.S Calvaires erect or restore one cross everyday. Every year, they go abroad to help a country for a...

Government announces deployment of Emergency Civil Assistance Team to Sudan
Government announces deployment of Emergency Civil Assistance Team to Sudan The TaoiseachTánaiste, Minister for Foreign Affairs and...

Is he a Saint? Miracles in Kildare
Is he a Saint? I recently got chatting to a man outside mass in Kildare. What I thought would be a two minute chat soon turned into...

5 Celtic Crosses to be erected in May 2023
In France, the association S.O.S Calvaires erect or restore one cross everyday. Every year, we are going abroad to help a country for a...

France gifts 5 Celtic crosses to Ireland
Interview with S.O.S Calvaries Irish Nuntii This year, S.O.S Calvaires is coming to Ireland between the 5th and the 13th of May, to erect...
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